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wxchong 2024-08-12 01:34:09 开源技术 11 ℃ 0 评论


能量收集器由剑桥卡文迪许实验室一位名为Gulzat Jaliel的研究员最先实现。而设备的创新性理论建议是由安德鲁·乔丹在2013年提出,理论工作则由他与著名的半导体物理学家Markus Büttiker和日内瓦的一组博士后研究人员合作完成。

In a recent study, researchers at the University of Cambridge, in collaboration with colleagues in Madrid, Rochester, Duisburg and Sheffield, have experimentally demonstrated the potential of an autonomous nanoscale energy harvester based on resonant tunneling quantum dots. This harvester is based on previous research carried out by part of their team, who had proposed a three-terminal energy harvester based on two resonant-tunneling quantum dots with different energy levels.

The energy harvester device was realized at Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge by a researcher called Gulzat Jaliel. The original theoretical proposal for the device, however, was introduced by Andrew Jordan in 2013, and the theoretical work behind the harvester was carried out by him in collaboration with renowned semiconductor physicist Markus Büttiker and a team of post-doctoral students in Geneva.




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