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Photos|The best time to appreciate the bald cypress in Guangzhou
wxchong 2024-09-25 23:01:58 开源技术 10 ℃ 0 评论Guangzhou is evergreen in all seasons, and it is rather surprising to see the green, yellow and red bald cypress trees in Guangzhou after the Winter Solstice. On 27 December, in Guangzhou's South China National Botanical Garden, part of the bald cypress trees have been quietly dressed up. Under the sunshine and breeze, the leaves of the bald cypress trees are as light and graceful as feather, and tourists travelling in the bald cypress forest feel like being in a winter fairy tale. Rooted in the water, the reflections of the bald cypress trees on the water is also a unique scenery. The feathery leaves ripple through the sunlight, reflecting different lights and shadows on the water, and each piece glitters, decorating the water and the embankment.
Source:Yangcheng Evening News
文、图|记者 贺全胜
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