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Aspose.Words无需Microsoft Word也可在任何平台上满足Word文档的一切操作需求。本文将与大家分享如何将word和图像转换为PDF。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to public class ImageLoadingWithCredentialsHandler : IResourceLoadingCallback { public ImageLoadingWithCredentialsHandler() { mWebClient = new WebClient(); } public ResourceLoadingAction ResourceLoading(ResourceLoadingArgs args) { if (args.ResourceType == ResourceType.Image) { Uri uri = new Uri(args.Uri); if (uri.Host == "") mWebClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("User1", "akjdlsfkjs"); else mWebClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("SomeOtherUserID", "wiurlnlvs"); // Download the bytes from the location referenced by the URI. byte[] imageBytes = mWebClient.DownloadData(args.Uri); args.SetData(imageBytes); return ResourceLoadingAction.UserProvided; } else { return ResourceLoadingAction.Default; } } private WebClient mWebClient; }
使用Aspose.Words我们可以检查字体资源是否应该以base 64编码嵌入到HTML中。默认情况下,该值为false,字体将写入单独的文件。如果此选项设置为true,则字体将嵌入到Base64编码的文档CSS中。 该属性仅影响HTML格式,不会影响EPUB和MHTML。这是HtmlSaveOptions.ExportFontResources选项的扩展,ExportFontsAsBase64仅在此属性设置为true时才有效。下面的示例演示如何使用Base64编码将字体导出为HTML。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving(); string fileName = "Document.doc"; Document doc = new Document(dataDir + fileName); HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(); saveOptions.ExportFontResources = true; saveOptions.ExportFontsAsBase64 = true; dataDir = dataDir + "ExportFontsAsBase64_out.html"; doc.Save(dataDir, saveOptions);
使用ResourceFolderAlias属性,我们还可以指定用于构造写入HTML文档的所有资源的URI的文件夹的名称,这是指定应如何构造所有资源文件的URI的最简单方法。可以通过ImagesFolderAlias和FontsFolderAliasproperties分别为图像和字体指定相同的信息。 但是,CSS没有单独的属性。 FontsFolder,FontsFolderAlias,ImagesFolder,ImagesFolderAlias和CssStyleSheetFileName属性的行为不会更改。请注意,CssStyleSheetFileName属性用于指定文件夹名称和文件名。
指定相对路径时,FontsFolder和ImagesFolder相对于代码程序集所在的文件夹,ResourceFolder和CssStyleSheetFileName相对于HTML文档所在的输出文件夹。在下面的示例中,ResourceFolder指定此路径相对于输出文件夹的相对路径,其中保存HTML文档, 别名用于构造所有资源的URL。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving(); string fileName = "Document.doc"; Document doc = new Document(dataDir + fileName); HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(); saveOptions.CssStyleSheetType = CssStyleSheetType.External; saveOptions.ExportFontResources = true; saveOptions.ResourceFolder = dataDir + @"\Resources"; saveOptions.ResourceFolderAlias = ""; doc.Save(dataDir + "ExportResourcesUsingHtmlSaveOptions.html", saveOptions);
Aspose.Words可以以MHTML(Web Archive)格式保存任何文档。这使得Aspose.Words和Aspose.Email一起使用可以生成和发送内容丰富的电子邮件。例如,你可以将预定义的DOC,OOXML或RTF文档加载到Aspose.Words中,用数据填充之后另存为MHTML,然后使用Aspose.Email发送电子邮件。 下面的代码示例演示了如何使用Aspose.Email将Aspose.Words中的文档保存为MHTML和电子邮件。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_LoadingAndSaving(); // Load the document into Aspose.Words. Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "Test File (docx).docx"); // Save into a memory stream in MHTML format. Stream stream = new MemoryStream(); doc.Save(stream, SaveFormat.Mhtml); // Rewind the stream to the beginning so Aspose.Email can read it. stream.Position = 0; // Create an Aspose.Network MIME email message from the stream. MailMessage message = MailMessage.Load(stream, new MhtmlLoadOptions()); message.From = ""; message.To = ""; message.Subject = "Aspose.Words + Aspose.Email MHTML Test Message"; // Send the message using Aspose.Email SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); client.Host = ""; client.Send(message);
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