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Aspose.Words for .NET v19.7最新更新功能示例详解!| 附下载

wxchong 2024-07-06 01:08:24 开源技术 17 ℃ 0 评论

Aspose.Words for .NET是一种高级Word文档处理API,用于执行各种文档管理和操作任务。API支持生成,修改,转换,呈现和打印文档,而无需在跨平台应用程序中直接使用Microsoft Word。

Aspose.Words for .NET更新至v19.7,为Markdown格式实现基本的读写器,同时实现了检测SmartArt形状的功能!接下来我们给大家介绍一下新版中引入的公告API的更改,并用示例实际阐述一下。

Aspose.Words 19.7公共API的更改



 ////// Gets the revision group. Returns null if the revision does not belong to any group.
///////// Revision has no group if revision type is RevisionType.StyleDefinitionChange or
/// if the revision is not longer exist in document context (accepted/rejected).
///public RevisionGroup Group


 Document doc = new Document(@ "source.docx" );
foreach (Revision revision in doc.Revisions)
 string groupText = revision.Group != null
 ? "Revision group text: " + revision.Group.Text
 : "Revision has no group" ;
 Console.WriteLine( "Type: " + revision.RevisionType);
 Console.WriteLine( "Author: " + revision.Author);
 Console.WriteLine( "Date: " + revision.DateTime);
 Console.WriteLine( "Revision text: " + revision.ParentNode.ToString(SaveFormat.Text));



  • 标题
  • 成批引用
  • 横向规则
  • 黑体强调
  • 斜体强调




 ////// The base class for specifying additional options when saving a document into a text based formats.
///public abstract class TxtSaveOptionsBase : SaveOptions
 ////// Specifies the encoding to use when exporting in text formats. 
/// Default value isEncoding.UTF8'UTF-8' Charset.
///public Encoding Encoding
////// Specifies the string to use as a paragraph break when exporting in text formats.
/////////The default value is.///public string ParagraphBreak
////// Specifies whether the program should attempt to preserve layout of tables when saving in the plain text format.
/// The default value is false.
///public bool PreserveTableLayout
//////Allows to specify whether the page breaks should be preserved during export.///The default value is false.///////// The property affects only page breaks that are inserted explicitly into a document. 
/// It is not related to page breaks that MS Word automatically inserts at the end of each page.
///public bool ForcePageBreaks
////// Specifies the way headers and footers are exported to the text formats.
/// Default value is.
///public TxtExportHeadersFootersMode ExportHeadersFootersMode

功能的实现主要遵循CommonMark规范。在AW模型中,Markdown功能表示为相应的样式或直接格式。因此,粗体和斜体表示为Font.Bold和Font.Italic。标题是标题1 - 标题6样式的段落。引号是样式名称中带有“引用”的段落。HorizontalRule是具有HorizontalRule形状的段落。


Markdown treats asterisks (*) and underscores (_) as indicators of emphasis.
You can write **bold** or *italic* text. 
You can also write ***BoldItalic***text.
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder( new Document());
builder.Writeln( "Markdown treats asterisks (*) and underscores (_) as indicators of emphasis." );
builder.Write( "You can write " );
builder.Font.Bold = true ;
builder.Write( "bold" );
builder.Font.Bold = false ;
builder.Write( " or " );
builder.Font.Italic = true ;
builder.Write( "italic" );
builder.Font.Italic = false ;
builder.Writeln( " text. " );
builder.Write( "You can also write " );
builder.Font.Bold = true ;
builder.Font.Italic = true ;
builder.Write( "BoldItalic" );
builder.Font.Bold = false ;
builder.Font.Italic = false ;
builder.Write( "text." );
builder.Document.Save( "EmphasesExample.md" );


The following produces headings:
# Heading1
## Heading2
### Heading3
#### Heading4
##### Heading5
###### Heading6
# **Bold Heading1**
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// By default Heading styles in Word may have bold and italic formatting.
// If we do not want text to be emphasized, set these properties explicitly to false.
builder.Font.Bold = false ;
builder.Font.Italic = false ;
builder.Writeln( "The following produces headings:" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles[ "Heading 1" ];
builder.Writeln( "Heading1" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles[ "Heading 2" ];
builder.Writeln( "Heading2" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles[ "Heading 3" ];
builder.Writeln( "Heading3" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles[ "Heading 4" ];
builder.Writeln( "Heading4" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles[ "Heading 5" ];
builder.Writeln( "Heading5" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles[ "Heading 6" ];
builder.Writeln( "Heading6" );
// Note, emphases are also allowed inside Headings:
builder.Font.Bold = true ;
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles[ "Heading 1" ];
builder.Writeln( "Bold Heading1" );
doc.Save( "HeadingsExample.md" );


We support blockquotes in Markdown:
The quotes can be of any level and can be nested:
>>>Quote level 3
>>>>Nested quote level 4
>*Back to first level*
> ### Headings are allowed inside Quotes
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.Writeln( "We support blockquotes in Markdown:" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles[ "Quote" ];
builder.Writeln( "Lorem" );
builder.Writeln( "ipsum" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles[ "Normal" ];
builder.Writeln( "The quotes can be of any level and can be nested:" );
Style quoteLevel3 = doc.Styles.Add(StyleType.Paragraph, "Quote2" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = quoteLevel3;
builder.Writeln( "Quote level 3" );
Style quoteLevel4 = doc.Styles.Add(StyleType.Paragraph, "Quote3" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = quoteLevel4;
builder.Writeln( "Nested quote level 4" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles[ "Quote" ];
builder.Writeln( "Back to first level" );
Style quoteLevel1WithHeading = doc.Styles.Add(StyleType.Paragraph, "Quote Heading 3" );
builder.ParagraphFormat.Style = quoteLevel1WithHeading;
builder.Write( "Headings are allowed inside Quotes" );
doc.Save( "QuotesExample.md" );


We support Horizontal rules (Thematic breaks) in Markdown:
 DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder( new Document());
builder.Writeln( "We support Horizontal rules (Thematic breaks) in Markdown:" );
builder.Document.Save( "HorizontalRuleExample.md" );


// This is Markdown document that was produced in example of UC3.
Document doc = new Document( "QuotesExample.md" );
// Let's remove Heading formatting from a Quote in the very last paragraph.
Paragraph paragraph = doc.FirstSection.Body.LastParagraph;
paragraph.ParagraphFormat.Style = doc.Styles[ "Quote" ];
doc.Save( "QuotesModifiedExample.md" );



 ////// Returns true if this Shape has a SmartArt object.
///public bool HasSmartArt
 Document doc = new Document(@ "input.docx" );
int count = 0 ;
foreach (Shape shape in doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Shape, true ))
 if (shape.HasSmartArt)
Console.WriteLine( "The document has {0} shapes with SmartArt." , count);



public ITextShaperFactory TextShaperFactory { get; set; }


 public void Test()
 // Open a document
 Document doc = new Document( "OpenType.Document.docx" );
 // When text shaper factory is set, layout starts to use OpenType features.
 // An Instance property returns static BasicTextShaperCache object wrapping HarfBuzzTextShaperFactory
 doc.LayoutOptions.TextShaperFactory = Aspose.Words.Shaping.HarfBuzz.HarfBuzzTextShaperFactory.Instance;
 // Render the document to PDF format
 doc.Save( "OpenType.Document.pdf" );

▲WORDSNET-11297 - 实现了用于处理链接文本框的公共API


 ////// Determines whether this TextBox can be linked to the target Textbox.
///public bool IsValidLinkTarget(TextBox target)
////// Returns or sets a TextBox that represents the next TextBox in a sequence of shapes.
///public TextBox Next
 get ; set ;
////// Returns a TextBox that represents the previous TextBox in a sequence of shapes.
///public TextBox Previous
 get ;
////// Breaks the forward link for the specified TextBox, if such a link exists.
///////// BreakForwardLink() doesn't break all other links in the current sequence of shapes.
/// For example: 1-2-3-4 sequence and BreakForwardLink at the 2-nd textbox will create
/// two sequences 1-2, 3-4.
///public void BreakForwardLink()
////// Gets a parent shape for the TextBox.
///public Shape Parent
 get { return mParent; }


 TextBox textBox1 = shape1.TextBox;
TextBox textBox2 = shape2.TextBox;
if (textBox1.IsValidLinkTarget(textBox2))
 textBox1.Next = textBox2;


 TextBox textBox = shape.TextBox;
if ((textBox.Next != null ) && (textBox.Previous == null ))
 //The head of the sequence.
if ((textBox.Next != null ) && (textBox.Previous != null ))
 //The Middle of the sequence.
if ((textBox.Next == null ) && (textBox.Previous != null ))
 //The Tail of the sequence.


 TextBox textBox = shape.TextBox;
// Break a forward link
// Break a forward link by setting a null
textBox.Next = null ;
// Break a link, which leads to this textbox
if (textBox.Previous != null )




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