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wxchong 2024-07-07 00:07:53 开源技术 20 ℃ 0 评论


今天我们来读一本米粒儿从图书馆借阅的故事书<Something Smells!>

Story by Blake Liliane Hellman

Illustrated by Steven Henry

Blake Liliane Hellman wrote the story, he is the author.

Steven Henry drew the pictures, he is the illustrator.

Early one morning, Elliot woke up to a most terrible smell.

He looked around his room and frowned.

Something smells, he thought.

He checked under his bed.

But it was perfectly clean.

Was it a skunk?

He opened the window.

But the neighbourhood smelled like fresh morning air.

He sniffed Mr. Jiggles.

But Mr. Jiggles didn't smell.

Pee Wee didn't smell.

Wednesday's snack didn't smell - not very much, anyway.

Elliot could not find the smell that smelled.

Maybe it's Dad, he thought.

But Dad smelled pretty nice.

At breakfast his mother scolded him.

"Not one more day in that costume, Elliot!"

But he didn't want to take it off.

It was the best costume ever.

It glowed in the dark and happened to be an EXACT REPLICA OF HIS SKELETON.

Besides, he was much too busy hunting for the terrible smell.

Dogs smell, he thought.

But Digsy smelled like bacon.

Little sisters smell.

But Lucy smelled like maple syrup.

He bet a million jillion jelly beans it was the baby.

But Lilac smelled like baby powder.

Was it the cat food?


Maybe it was the trash.

But all he found was some old Halloween candy.

What, what, what was that terrible smell?!

It wasn't a skunk.

Or Pee Wee.

Or Digsy.

Or Lucy.

Or even the baby.

It wasn't the trash.

That left only one thing ...

Grandma's famous Gefartzenschnaffel.

Do you know what's IN Gefartzenschnaffel?

Neither did Elliot.

But that wasn't the smell that smelled.

He looked up in the attic ...

and down in the basement ...

and every place in between.

"Not one more second in that costume, young man!" said his mother.

"It's time for your bath!"

Elliot was disappointed he had not solved the mystery of the terrible smell.

"Something smells," said Lucy.

"Something smells," said Grandma.

"Something smells," said Dad.

"Smuh!" said Lilac.

Elliot lathered and scrubbed and sudsed, and when he was done ...

SOMETHING swirled right down the drain.

The terrible smell was gone.

After his baht, Elliot was excited to put on his new sea monster pajamas.

They were the best pajamas ever!


They felt so good ...

... he was never ever going to take them off.






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