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wxchong 2024-07-07 00:11:01 开源技术 25 ℃ 0 评论

The NBA Should Rename the Sixth Man of the Year Award after Manu Ginobili


No other player as good as Manu ever agreed to come off the bench during his prime for the good of the team. Check out the list of top career +/- since 2001. Manu is 4th. Scroll until the entry for the next player that didn't play the majority of his career as a starter. I'll wait.


Manu is in a league of his own among 6th men, and his willingness to put the team first should be commemorated. What better way than to rename the 6th Man of the Year award?


[–][SAC] Jason Williamssnowlarbear 15 指標 6小時前

no they're going to rename it for Melo.


[–]Knicksanditcounts 172 指標 6小時前

Ayy P, if I come off the bench will they name the award after me



[–]Warriorsjaqueass 1040 指標 7小時前

If you're gonna do that, it should at least be the Sixth Manu of the Year.


[–]Kobe_is_the_goat824 378 指標 8小時前

Didn't John Havlicek come of the bench during the Celtics 60's and average 21/7/5 or something


[–]LakersILOVEBASKETBALL24_8 1352 指標 8小時前

Yah but manu just retired and I didn't watch Havli so this means more to me


[–]Raptorsgarynevilleisared 508 指標 8小時前

Pretty much every argument made on r/nba


[–]BDMayhem 147 指標 8小時前

Just wait until Lebron retires.


[–]LakersILOVEBASKETBALL24_8 319 指標 8小時前

"We should rename the NBA 'LeNBA' and require everyone to retire his jersey."


[–]Spurskorny4u 88 指標 8小時前

I'd be fine with us retiring 23 across the league after Lebron retires.


[–]Heattiddymeat 187 指標 8小時前

We're way ahead of you over here in Miami


[–]BURRITO_JONES 79 指標 8小時前

It should either be The Havlicek 6th Man of the Year Award, or Bobby Jones 6th MOY Award. The NBA existed prior to 2002.


[–]LakersCanYouDigit34 150 指標 8小時前

for /r/NBA, the NBA doesn't exist prior to like 2011.


[–]Bullsraebake 58 指標 8小時前

The Celtics Big Three era is ancient history to this community. Obviously talking about Garnett/PP/Allen, because Bird/Parrish/McHale was something only their grandpa saw.


[–]CelticsMdotsnyder 40 指標 7小時前

All the other awards are older guys and the logo is West so I mean. Why can’t a post 1990 guy get an award?


[–][GSW] Zarko CabarkapaIAmNotKevinDurant_35 33 指標 8小時前

The NBA existed before Russell too and they named the finals MVP award after him


[–]Celticshdhdhdhdhdhdhdhd 37 指標 8小時前

Im confused by your logic. The reason that finals mvp is named after Russell is because he won 11 championships while being the best player on his team not because he played in an earlier era of the NBA. Winning 11 championships in 13 seasons is pretty deserving of that honor no matter the era or the amount of teams in the league. So your statement makes literally no sense.


[–][SEA] Tom ChambersOmniblink 41 指標 9小時前

As great as Manu was as a 6th man, that privilege should belong to John Havlicek.


[–]Spursglorioushubris[S] 80 指標 8小時前

When Havlicek entered the league, there were only 9 teams. Coming off the bench means something a lot different now than it did then.


[–][SEA] Tom ChambersOmniblink 57 指標 8小時前

Hondo is the greatest player to ever be a 6th man. The original "Super Sub." If anyone should have the 6th man award named after him, it's John.


[–]Thunderthe2ndandnotonly 298 指標 8小時前*

We get it. Old greats who played in a 8 team league were really good.


[–]SpursJenks44 174 指標 7小時前

Everything should be named after Lakers and Celtics greats, everyone else can fuck

off with their "basketball teams."


[–][BOS] Rasheed WallaceCasuallyHuman 85 指標 6小時前

That's what I've been trying to say for ages


[–]Mavericksomokok1049 34 指標 8小時前

That's going to be a hard pass for me.


[–]meming_and_dreaming 72 指標 7小時前

he won the award once while others have several under their belt. that's a no from me dog


[–]Kingskolorete 60 指標 6小時前

5 players won twice.

Jamal Crawford won it 3 times.



[–][SAS] Malik RoseGolai77 30 指標 6小時前

The Jamal Crawford award gives me an entirely different impression than 6moty.

I like Crawford, but his game is street ball incarnate. No defense, excessive dribbling and wanna-be hero shots. Great FT shooter though and he seems like a great dude. I'm happy Crawford took Dejonte under his wing.



[–]RaptorsCharwinger21 31 指標 6小時前

I wonder if Lou Will will be able to join him.

He's sitting at two right now and has had two other seasons in the top 3 (including #2 in 2011-12 behind Harden), but he's not really a 6th man any more (33 MPG and led the team in minutes played, but the Clippers were throwing other players in for the first minute of the game so that he wouldn't get counted as a start).





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